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173 MCG 05/26/24 8:18 PM

This individual was on our ass the entire way down this road - my husband was going 50 in a 50 zone - and when he slowed down to 30 for the school zone, they almost hit us.

Then they decided that they were going to PASS US for going 30 - not only in a school zone but also through a cross walk.

Absolutely brutal.
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815 MMQ 12/13/23 2:17 AM

Racist idiot
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477 LCW 11/18/23 12:49 AM

They shouldn't let people with FAS drive. This idiot cuts people off and goes 30km above the speed limit
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763 LTC 11/17/23 6:35 PM

No Signals, Cuts People Off, Drives like a Tool.
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RTHSFLT 03/09/23 1:55 PM

Trespasses, steals and shines 7 watt lasers into the sky and buildings. All documented on his youtube and facebook

Also thinks the earth is flat...
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