E04 EVG 11/06/17 5:19 AM

Parks in front of garage doors to make deliveries.
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W92 JPM 10/22/17 1:53 PM

Sexually harassed by this guy's passenger for a long block. Driver did nothing.
I was walking along, finishing up a phone call. This guy in the photo started yelling sexist stuff (hey baby shit) then when I told him he was a misogynist and to shut up, he switched to yelling lesbophobic-rapey stuff (I suppose assuming that a woman not interested in his cat-calling was a lesbian?). I tried to walk away but the car continued to follow (they were in slow traffic), while I speed-walked. Passersby did nothing while the guy kept yelling. When I began taking photos, he told me "no wonder I was single, I was too ugly". At one point I crossed against a light to get further away, and a driver who had the right of way started honking and the guy yelled, "yeah, get her, run her down." He ran the gamut of offensive stuff to yell.
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E21 KBD 10/26/17 5:42 PM

I accelerate to pass, he speeda up, I go behind him, he locks up his brake almost went right into him , everyone I went to pass after he tried to swerve into me and guaranteed accident if I didn't move, pathetic loser shouldn't be aloud to drive
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G55 LSP 10/11/17 6:51 PM

T’es un méchant malade ce matin ta quasiment causé un accident ce matin le 11 octobre 2017 sur la 132
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E33 KQZ 09/25/17 3:00 PM

J'ai vu le conducteur de cette automobile fouiller pendant 45 minutes dans tous les bacs de récupération de l'immeuble (sortis pour le ramassage), vider le contenu de plusieurs sacs directement dans les bacs, et garder les canettes, les bouteilles. Je pensais qu'il s'agissait d'un nécessiteux; quelle surprise de voir quelle voiture il conduisait...
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G62 MMB 12/05/20 11:49 PM

This obnoxious lady stared me and my innocent children down while we were going to my fathers/ their grandfathers funeral. They broke down... tears were streaming down their face as they hyperventilated, therefor causing us to stop at the emergency room and miss my fathers funeral. This woman is the cause of my children’s probable lifelong trauma.
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A64 LLU 11/10/20 10:32 PM

The best driver all around..except for the city roads..driver almost turned on the wrong side of the road so..watch out for this one. Also if you see him be sure to beep at him 4 times consecutively if you see this comment
-his gf
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P98 MZD 12/12/19 12:41 AM

typical driver these days. just keep trying to fuck someone elses day
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P98 MZD 12/12/19 12:38 AM

this guy should get ram by a semi
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FME8381 09/07/19 7:28 PM

Definately would have keyed it
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