BSS 8088 12/14/21 6:09 AM

Idiot parked illegally and pissed someone else off so bad they threw food on their windshield. Wow haha what a neighborhood I live in. Beauty. Enjoy the frozen dinner on your way home, asshole.
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BSS 8088 12/14/21 6:08 AM

Idiot parked illegally and pissed someone else off so bad they threw food on their windshield. Wow haha what a neighborhood I live in. Beauty. Enjoy the frozen dinner on your way home, asshole.
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BSS 8088 12/14/21 6:08 AM

Idiot parked illegally and pissed someone else off so bad they threw food on their windshield. Wow haha what a neighborhood I live in. Beauty. Enjoy the frozen dinner on your way home, asshole.
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BPN 0726 10/20/21 4:45 PM

What a scumbag .
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BHG 3129 09/14/21 6:46 AM

Child sex predator
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BBL 1034 08/22/21 6:39 AM

Very good driver need to work on the braking tho
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CCL 7958 07/09/21 9:35 AM

I followed them home.

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BNM 5822 03/14/21 5:25 AM

Ini ok bos
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CCH 4686 02/16/21 6:14 PM

Racist shit head
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CCH 4686 02/16/21 3:43 PM

Racist fuck
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