BTZ 4170 01/01/20 4:40 PM

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BTZ 4170 01/06/20 10:38 PM

UPDATE: The focus owner called me and said there is damage and the truck was gone when he came back to his car, he said the Focus got slid over quite a bit too.
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BBD 4102 10/02/19 10:15 PM

Guy drives like a maniac also drives a sick Cobalt XFE
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BJH 2949 08/11/19 3:10 PM

So many idiots claim to be involved with or know Hells Angels because they think it makes them cool or scary, but anyone really associated with them does not do that kind of crap. So pathetic.
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BXX 0045 06/17/19 12:21 AM

Old dude doesn't even know how to drive. Speeds through 50 zones. Kept speeding and was a reckless driver, didn't even shoulder check. I hope the police suspends his licensee cause. Flipped me off when I didn't let him when he nearly hit my car.
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J34814 06/15/19 1:37 PM

Right-on-red is a gimme, not an obligation. Chill out. You'll live longer.
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SRG 427 03/23/19 1:36 AM

I'll add that I noticed on my rear dash cam that we stopped at a traffic light and it took them 20 full seconds to react to it turning green... cars were driving around them. In this screenshot you can see how far away they are from me (it was a double left turn)
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CME 423 02/16/19 4:14 AM

I'm a professional photographer, I get people coming up to me all the time when I am doing what I do and I am always polite and engaging, never had an issue yet. The point I was making before was that the guy in the video doing the filming was acting rude and seemed to be looking for a fight.

I totally understand what it is you are trying to do and I fully support that, and for what it's worth I really dislike most JW's and despise people that act like they are above the law and common decency because they are a religion.
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CME 423 02/08/19 12:23 AM

The guy filming is super rude for no reason, most of those people seemed okay with him. I swear every time I see one of these types of videos all the person has to do is not be an asshole and they would have little to no issues.
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CME 423 02/14/19 5:36 PM

Oh boy, the irony in this video. Jehovah Witnesses don't like when people come bug them at their door...
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