CBFX 761 (ON) 03/09/18 1:12 PM

Crazy lady driver, she was distracted (seemingly yelling at her passenger?) and didn’t move on a green light, so when i honked gently to let her know she should be moving, she started flipping fingers with some kind of “voodoo” hand motions, and tried to “brake check” me a couple of times. If you’re having a bad day, don’t take it to the road!
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CCVL 808 (ON) 03/09/18 9:54 AM

This women driver had road rage , I was at least half a car length stopped in only lane, she was blocking both in and out entrances to a street when traffic moved forward - she pushed forward behind a parked truck- till her mirror hit the back of my mirror. I moved to the left in oncoming lane she then bolted forward until her left front corner came out enough to have me again move into oncoming lane to avoid her speeding car- She pulled out blocking both what used to be my lane, and oncoming as she had to avoid the parked truck she was behind. I though that was her end of road rage, but no she then stopped and got out of her car screaming and yelling banging on my hood of car reached back into her car, for something, as I was afraid it was a gun as she had used that hand motion before reaching I tried to pull around her, she moved her car right across both lanes then got out a again carrying a phone taking pictures of my face saying he was going to get me? Bleached Blond dreadlocks, mid thirties, needs help. I took these after while driving, I know I should not have while driving but was shaken and thought she would do more further on Toronto-
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BWR 8922 (AB) 03/08/18 7:18 PM

Saw him blowing through a 4 way stop today speeding in a playground zone. I live in the area and my daughter walks this route. Teen driver with his friend and girl in the back. Here is a picture of them on 14th street after blowing through the playground zone and stop sign on Churchhill Drive.
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ETF 542 (AB) 03/08/18 7:25 PM

Was heading up to see my Dad when this Range Rover pulled up behind me at a very high rate of speed. I was currently along side a semi passing him on the double lane doing about 120 kph. He hangs inches off my bumper flashing lights and being a general dick. I slowed down to let him around and followed him to Accede Energy Services near Blackfalds where he parked the car. Either this is the president of the company Gord Fritz or someone he let access to the car. Gord's email is gfritz@accedeenergy.com and phone is (780) 712-4055.
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CDXY 828 (ON) 03/14/18 10:31 PM

Saw him speeding in his mini copper and didn't stop at the stop sign, at an established neighborhood. One of the worst drivers I have seen yet.
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CBFM 593 (ON) 03/07/18 1:30 PM

Driver hit me and took off, luckily it was just the bumper but when I drove up passenger side and asked her (she was a lady) to pull over so we could at least take a look, she pretended not to hear me and took off.
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CCNK 499 (ON) 03/07/18 12:37 AM

The driver of this plate is a young Asian lady, who drove a 2017 Chevy sedan. She make a right turn without checking incoming traffic, and my car has to do an emergency stop to avoid a serious crash!! My car was driving at 80km/hour and she only gave me 3 second to do a FULL STOP!! Horrible horrible horrible stupid driver, a monkey can do a better job!
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BYB 7696 (AB) 03/13/18 9:12 PM

This jackass in a white truck is insanely rude and litters.
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CCHZ 317 (ON) 03/13/18 12:17 PM

Drug dealer
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CBBV 492 (ON) 03/12/18 10:16 PM

Very good driver
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